Hi there!

Welcome to the 149th freek.dev newsletter!

Here are a couple of links of which I hope you'll enjoy that as much as I did.

Introducing Visit: a CLI tool made for humans to make network requests
I'm happy to announce that we have released Visit. This tool can display the response of any URL. Think of it as curl for humans.
By default, the output will be colourized, and the response code and time will be displayed after the response.

Improve Passing Booleans in PHP
Passing booleans to a method can be code smell, as it is not clear what a boolean does by reading the calling code.

Naming constructors
Andraes Möller blogged a few interesting strategies to name the constructors of your PHP objects.

Adding Real Capabilities To Systems Through Naming
Shawn McCool shares some interesting thoughts on how things should be named.

Laravel Valet 3 Released With Multi-Version PHP Support
The Laravel team released the next major version of Laravel Valet (3.0), which introduces running multiple versions
of PHP in Valet applications side-by-side.

Using callbacks to prevent code duplication
DRY up code by deferring specifics to a callback.

The latest PHP Foundation Update lists the new PHP core developers
I'm looking forward seeing with this group of developers will do for PHP.

Why You Should Start Self Hosting
Rohan Deshmukh on the value of avoiding SaaS products and self-host instead.

A receipt printer for GitHub issues
Andrew Schmelyun built a very cool side project. I don't dare to introduce this at Spatie.

Extreme questions to trigger new, better ideas
Sometimes the extreme is surprisingly appropriate. Unique business models emerge when at least one dimension is so
extreme that it defies critics and competitors to even conceive of its possibility.

Need Something Sorted? Sleep on It!
Probably you'll never use this way of sorting in a real app, but it's kinda cool that it'll work.

Those HTML Attributes You Never Use
In this article, Louis Lazaris describes and demonstrates some interesting HTML attributes that you may or may
not have heard of and perhaps find useful enough to personally use in one of your projects.

Simple event streaming in Laravel
Unlike traditional Long-polling using AJAX requests, where multiple requests are sent to the server and a new connection is established each time, event streams are sent to the client in real-time in a single request.

A list of all modern PHP features
PHP is such a good language at this point.

Query content of S3 objects with SQL using Laravel
While Amazon S3 is awesome for storage, It also has a feature called S3 Select. With S3 Select, You can use a simple SQL query to filter the content of the stored objects. and retrieve only a subset of data that you need.

Community links

In this section you'll find links submitted by others.
Let me know if you did write or stumbled across a blog post, tutorial or video that might be interesting to appear in this section

Markdown Editor Component with AlpineJS & Laravel Blade (submitted by Mithicher Baro)

Indeterminate Checkbox State Without Using Any Javascript Plugin (submitted by Ashish Dhamala)

Creating a Neat DateTime Helper Function in PHP (submitted by Ricardo Čerljenko)

Data Providers in PHPUnit (submitted by Adithya)

Real-time Events Broadcasting With Laravel 9 & Soketi (submitted by Khalil Bouzidi)

Creating Your Own Laravel Custom Package: A Step-by-Step Guide (submitted by Filip Josifovski)

Split assets using Laravel Mix (submitted by Chrysanthos)

Old posts

Here are a couple of links from a while ago!

Data Transfer Object v3 has been released

Creating a Laravel package from scratch

Improving Google Maps Performance on Large Datasets

Event sourcing projectors in depth

Handling console signals in Laravel

Improving Ignition's security

How to Unit Test a Laravel API with the Pest Framework

Why and how you should remove inactive users and teams

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