Hi there!

Welcome to the 139th freek.dev newsletter!

Here are a couple of links of which I hope you'll enjoy that as much as I did.

Building a better search with Monaco and amCharts
At Flare, we launched a new search experience. We have a very cool search field with autocompletions (powered by the rendering engine behind VS Code), and a very smooth graph powered by AmCharts. Let's take a look at the technical details!

Laravel Worldwide Meetup #10: A Little Bit of Lambba & Pest To Perfection
This edition of the meetup features those two excellent talks: A Little Bit of Lambda (by Aaron Francis) Pest to Perfection (by Luke Downing) You can watch recordings of previous editions in this playlist on YouTube.

Add Business process monitoring to your Laravel app (sponsored link)
Always know exactly how your application is functioning - be proactive, not reactive. Provide dashboard application to your user community to stay up to date on important application KPIs.

A Project Manager’s Top Tips
Just as each workday is a little different, the same can be said about digital projects. Some digital projects are big and require large teams, months of collaboration, and brand new everything to bring them from beginning to end. So what’s a project manager to do?

Decorator Pattern vs. Proxy Pattern
Enhance (final) classes and functions by implementing these similar, but not quite the same, patterns.

Declaring Expectations Against Array Items in Pest
Let's look at how we can use Pest's Expectation API with array items.Want to learn more about testing and/or Pest? Check out Testing Laravel

How to convert a PHPUnit Testsuite to Pest
While recording videos for the Testing Laravel video course, I became a big fan of Pest, a test runner that tries to optimize the developer experience. I'm now using Pest as the default for testing new packages and projects.I've also converted a couple of existing testsuites from PHPUnit to Pest.…

Creating an `Option` Type in PHP
Let's take a look at how we can create a custom Option type to handle optional values in PHP.

How to get query builder to output its raw SQL query as a string in Laravel?
Learn how to get the raw SQL string from a query builder in Laravel the easy way. Get to know this information to inspect the query used to retrieve the data.You could also use ray($query) to see the query in Ray.

Introducing lazy loading prevention into an existing application
Introduce lazy loading to an existing application without interrupting flow or overwhelming your logs

What happens when we clone?
Cloning is a nice way of creating a quick copy of an object. But there are some things you need to be aware of!

Community links

In this section you'll find links submitted by others.
Let me know if you did write or stumbled across a blog post, tutorial or video that might be interesting to appear in this section

Symfony Station Communique - 17 September 2021 (submitted by Reuben Walker)

Learning PHP 8.1 Fibers using Tests (submitted by Roberto Gallea)

If vs When - Let's See Which One Performs Better - Laravel Performance Tip (submitted by Ashish Dhamala)

Laravel Feature Flags (submitted by Steve McDougall)

Laravel Tip - Manage Huge Route Files By Creating Multiple Route Files (submitted by Ashish Dhamala)

Gretel: Laravel breadcrumbs right out of a fairy tale (submitted by Chris)

Create a MeiliSearch Laravel Blade Component (submitted by Mithicher Baro)

Step-By-Step Guide to Deploying Laravel Applications on Virtual Private Servers (submitted by Filip Josifovski)

Old posts

Here are a couple of links from a while ago!

Laravel Worldwide Meetup #3: Yaz Jallad & Adel Fayzrakhmanov

Running GitHub Actions for Certain Commit Messages

The PHP Community Synergy Initiative

Light colour schemes are better, based on science

Typing your frontend from the backend

Why and how you should monitor scheduled tasks

How to delete 900 million records in MySQL without shooting yourself in the foot

Moving 27K unique images from Spatie medialibrary local to s3 storage using Laravel Queue

How to call an overridden trait function

Contributing to an open source PHP package

Super Mario Bros. 3 in 3 minutes - World Record Speedrun Explained

Nested States in Laravel 8 Database Factories

Don't trust default timeouts

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