Hi there!

Welcome to the 139th freek.dev newsletter!

Here are a couple of links of which I hope you'll enjoy that as much as I did.

⭐️ A Laravel package to crawl and index content of your sites
The newly released spatie/laravel-site-search package can crawl and index the content of one or more sites. You can think of it as a private Google search for your sites.

⭐️ Using Factory sequences in Laravel
One of the things I really like about modern Laravel projects, are the new model factories introduced in Laravel 8.When writing complex tests, you often need quite a lot of setup, and features like factories, and especially factory sequences make that setup significantly easier to do. Take a look at…

Add Business process monitoring to your Laravel app (sponsored link)
Always know exactly how your application is functioning - be proactive, not reactive. Provide dashboard application to your user community to stay up to date on important application KPIs.

⭐️ Making 1Password understand where your change password page is located
A few days ago, a new version of 1Password was released that is able to detect where a user can reset his or her password.This is how it looks like in 1Password:When you click that "Change password" item, 1Password will open up a tab in your browser on the right page at Oh Dear to change the…

⭐️ How to start and stop polling in React and Livewire
Last week, support for Telegram notifications was added to both Flare and Oh Dear.

How Livewire works (a deep dive)
The experience of using Livewire seems magical. It's as if your front-end HTML can call your PHP code and everything just works. A lot goes into making this magic happen.

Here's are some new neat testing methods that recentaly were added to Laravel.
Three types of mocks
Mocking, faking; these might sound like intimidating words if you don't know what they are about, but once you do, you'll be able to improve your testing skills significantly.Part of "the art of testing" is being able to test code in some level of isolation to make sure a test suite is trustworthy…

Replacing Keytar with Electron's safeStorage in Ray
Ray is an app we built at Spatie to make debugging your applications easier and faster. Being web developers, we naturally decided to write this app in Electron, which enabled us to move from nothing to a working prototype to a released product on 3 separate platforms within a matter of weeks.About…

How I built a modern website in 2021
A pretty interesting read by Kent on how he rebuilt his own site from scratch. Kent is mostly JavaScript focused, so it's good to get a perspective on which technolgies and solutions you choose with such a background.The website certainly looks very good!

Understanding How Facebook Disappeared from the Internet
It was as if someone had "pulled the cables" from their data centers all at once and disconnected them from the Internet.

Adapter Pattern vs. Bridge Pattern
The Adapter pattern and the Bridge Pattern have brought along a lot of confusion. Time to connect the dots.

Test-driving complex features with Laravel & Pest
Mateus Guimarães show a couple of neat tests powered by Pest.

Trees and Tree Traversal in PHP
In this post I want to introduce you to Tree structures. What they are, how you can use them, and in which situation they can be helpful.

Community links

In this section you'll find links submitted by others.
Let me know if you did write or stumbled across a blog post, tutorial or video that might be interesting to appear in this section

Laravel Pages: Easily add routes to your Laravel app by creating Markdown or Blade files (submitted by Samuel Štancl)

Building a Laravel Blade Table Component with Alpine.js (submitted by Mithicher Baro)

Creating multi-worksheet Excel files with Simple Excel (submitted by Chris Rhymes)

An In-Depth Guide to API Authentication with Laravel Passport (submitted by Filip Josifovski)

Releasing Laravel (submitted by Dries Vints)

A curated list of useful tips, tricks and links related to Laravel, Vue, MySQL and other web development related content (submitted by Davor Minchorov)

Laravel Get Previous And Next Records Sorted By Name (Livewire Component) (submitted by Sir Src)

Old posts

Here are a couple of links from a while ago!

Embed a web page with a web component and the shadow DOM

Going deep

Convert and store Base64 encoded files in Laravel

Using Laravel's new Query Builder Upsert feature

On Issue Bumping

Gracefully deprecating foreign keys for a polymorphic relationship

How to run over 30k tests in under 5 minutes

A conversation with Christoph Rumpel

Unconventional Laravel: Responsable Classes

GitAttributes for PHP Composer Projects

Introducing Laravel Backup Server

Customise the Email Verification Expiration

Using Laravel's Policies and Route Model Binding without Eloquent

PHP8's Weak maps explained

PHP be all like: that nonexistent class be cool

Selling digital products using Laravel part 10: Miscellaneous interesting tidbits + outro

Selling digital products using Laravel part 9: Serving ads on GitHub

Selling digital products using Laravel part 8: Mailing updates and news using Mailcoach

Selling digital products using Laravel part 7: Importing package documentation from GitHub

Selling digital products using Laravel part 6: Building a video section using Vimeo

Selling digital products using Laravel part 5: Using Satis to install private packages

Selling digital products using Laravel part 4: Making a sale using Paddle

Selling digital products using Laravel part 3: Giving customers access to private repositories on Github

Selling digital products using Laravel part 2: Logging in using GitHub

Selling digital products using Laravel part 1: Intro + a tour of spatie.be

Transpiling PHP code from 8.0 to 7.x via Rector

The complete guide to Laravel front-end scaffolding

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Oh Dear

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