Hi there!

Welcome to the 142nd freek.dev newsletter!

My Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals

Like many other companies, Spatie is offering Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals.
Until the end of Monday, you can purchase any Spatie product or course with a 30% discount.
Head over to our products page to see everything that is on offer.

We are also selling a special item. In addition to the yearly license, we're now
temporarily offering a lifetime license for Ray.

Use BLACKFRIDAY2021 during checkout to get 30% off on your first
3 months of Flare, the best exception tracker for Laravel apps.

For Oh Dear, we're offering all new clients a 30% discount on yearly subscriptions. Sign up
with coupon code BLACK-FRIDAY-2021 to enjoy a discounted
year of monitoring uptime, certificates, DNS & broken links for your sites!

All of these deals are only available until Monday end of day.

This week's interesting links

Here are a couple of links of which I hope you'll enjoy that as much as I did.

Laravel Package Training v2 is now available
I am excited to share that my team and I have just launched v2.0 of our Laravel Package Training video course.In this course you'll learn how to build both a framework agnostic and Laravel package. We'll cover basic structure, testing, GitHub Actions, Packagist, and much more!

Modern PHP Cheat Sheet
A to-the-point summary of all awesome PHP features

Lean Admin - Laravel package for building custom admin panels (sponsored link)
Lean Admin is a TALLstack-based package for building admin panels using extremely expressive
code - yet still fully customizable and extensible. Join the waiting list to get a discount when
it launches in a few weeks.

You can now monitor your DNS records via Oh Dear
The past few weeks, I had a lot of fun coding up the new DNS check of Oh Dear. In this blogpost, you'll learn why you should monitor your DNS records and how Oh Dear makes this very easy.

Our improved changelog workflow for packages
For years, my team and I manually updated the changelog for our 250+ packages. Recently, we've improved how we go about this.In this blog post, I'd like to tell you all about it.

Announcing the PHP Foundation
The PHP Foundation will be a non-profit organization whose mission is to ensure the long life and prosperity of the PHP language by funding part/full-time developers that contribute to the language.

A conversation on the future of PHP
In this stream on GitHub, my buddies Christoph Rumpel, James Brooks and I discuss what we think the PHP foundation means for the future of PHP.

Bitmasking in Laravel and MySQL
An introduction to using bitmasks in general, and their usage in PHP, Laravel, and MySQL.

New features and improvement in Laravel Jobs and Queues since the original v8.0 release
In this fourth post of the series, new features added to Jobs and Queues in Laravel 8 are shown.

Swoole vs Roadrunner for Laravel Octane
Choosing between Swoole and Roadrunner in a Laravel Octane deployment can be overwhelming - in this post I compare the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Multi-Input Sorcery And Other Laravel Livewire Tips
Daniel Coulbourne shares some cool Livewire insights.

Beg Bounties
Troy Hunt with a good piece on people asking money in order to disclose a vulnerability. I get a lot of these too.

Measuring caffeine intake at Spatie
My colleague Alex finished a very cool sideproject. Using a Raspberry Pi he can now measure how many cups of coffee we drink at the office

The all-new Just-in-Time CDN for Tailwind
Simon give you a tour of the all-new Just-in-Time CDN build we're working on for Tailwind CSS v3.0, which lets you prototype with every variant, arbitrary values, and more - directly in the browser.

Community links

In this section you'll find links submitted by others.
Let me know if you did write or stumbled across a blog post, tutorial or video that might be interesting to appear in this section

Database and Eloquent ORM: New features and improvements since the original Laravel 8 release (2/2) (submitted by Pascal Baljet)

How to get started with testing in Laravel Livewire (submitted by Jonne Roelofs)

New In Laravel - 8.72.0 - 4 New Things Added (submitted by Ashish Dhamala)

Running Dusk Tests In Their Own Database With Laravel Sail (submitted by Chris White)

AWS SignatureDoesNotMatch error (submitted by Adithya)

Wrapping flatpickr with Alpine.js and Laravel Livewire (using @entangle) (submitted by Jonne Roelofs)

Old posts

Here are a couple of links from a while ago!

My current setup (end 2020 edition)

One Checkbox vs Two Radio Buttons

Exclude linting & formatting commits when running Git blame

On Exactitude in Technical Debt

The 6 Stages of Spam Protection

Sunsetting PHP Faker

What's new in PHP 8

Upgrade to PHP 8 with Homebrew on Mac

A better way to work with a backtrace in PHP

Custom attributes in PHP 8

Modern PHP cheat sheet

Dealing with null

Performance improvements in Xdebug 3

Laravel Media Library: Load Only 1st Picture Efficiently

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Thank you so much for reading!


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